
I am a researcher at the BioNLP group under NCBI/NLM/NIH. I received my MD degree from Tsinghua University in 2022. Prior to that, I was an exchange research scholar at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. I got my BSc degree from Tsinghua in 2018.

My long-term goal is to democratize biomedical knowledge by providing accurate, verifiable, and understandable information to everyone in need. Currently, I work on biomedical applications of LLMs, with a focus on retrieval-augmented generation and language agents. I am also interested in the evaluations of biomedical LLMs.

I am actively looking for potential collaborators and students on these topics. Please feel free to send me an email if you are interested in working with me.


  • (04/24) Trustworthy: Generative AI for evidence-based medicine. J Biomed Inform
  • (04/24) PubTator: AI-powered biomedical knowledge resources. Nucleic Acids Res
  • (03/24) AUANews: Connecting patients to clinical trials with AI.
  • (02/24) AgentMD: Large-Scale clinical tool learning.
  • (02/24) Benchmarking: Retrieval-augmented generation for medicine.
  • (02/24) Safeguarding: Risks of scientific language agents.
  • (02/24) GeneGPT: Augmenting LLMs with biomedical tools for QA. Bioinformatics
  • (02/24) PubMed & Beyond: Biomedical literature search in the age of AI. eBioMedicine
  • (01/24) Evaluation: Hidden flaws of GPT-4 Vision in medicine.
  • (01/24) Survey: LLMs for biomedicine and healthcare. Brief Bioinform
  • (12/23) PMC-Patients: 167k open patient summaries. Sci Data
  • (11/23) MedCPT: Foundation models for embedding bio-texts. Bioinformatics
  • (10/23) Joined the editorial boards of JMIR, JBI, and a special issue of JAMIA.
  • (07/23) TrialGPT: Matching patients to clinical trials with LLMs.
  • (05/23) Perspective: LLMs and medical literature search. J Am Soc Nephrol
  • (04/23) LADER: Log-augmented biomedical literature search. ACM SIGIR
  • (03/23) RAMM: Retrieval-augmented visual QA in biomedicine. ACM Multimedia
  • (09/22) Joined Dr. Zhiyong Lu’s BioNLP Group at NCBI/NLM/NIH.